Sunday, August 8, 2010

Olympic National Park

After arriving in Tacoma and checking into the hotel that would be our home for the duration of the conference, we took off the next morning to the Olympic Peninsula.  It was all kinds of treacherous.  We had fog:

Winding roads:

Sheer drop-offs:

And snow!

So, being the grown-ups that we are, Jeff & I go into a snowball fight.  In July!  We also almost rescued a bicyclist who was going into hypothermia, but someone with a bigger car saved the day.  Other pictures from the park:

These are from the Ho Rain Forest.  Yes, that's its real name.  Yes, that's why I wanted to go there.

They weren't lying.  It was a big spruce tree.

Our drive home took us along the Pacific coast.

We also stopped for lunch in an overpriced Mexican restaurant in Forks.  That meant nothing to me, except that there were signs everywhere for "Twilight" movie memorabilia and swooning teenage girls everywhere.  You could even buy "Bella Firewood" and "Twilight Asparagus".  Jeff was wondering what the put on the bathroom door where Bella did her business whilst filming.


Anonymous said...

I have no comment, but I feel sorry for you that no one else apparantly does either.



The Classic Harpist said...

I thought you would have some inane comment, claiming your ignorance to "Twilight" and all things pop culture. Or how if you decide to bike up a mountain in shorts, you deserve to get hypothermia. Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed.

Anonymous said...

The story of my life--to spread a bit of disappointment wherever I go.



Camber Carpenter said...

I just found your new blog.
I, of course, want to comment on the Ho Rain Forest.
No, YOU da ho.

Read The Source. I'm a vampire. But you already saw my black hair and didn't care.

The Classic Harpist said...

There were - apparently - lots of vampires in Forks. You would have fit in perfectly, and had hordes of pre-teen girls asking you to sign their "Twilight" fanny packs.

I can't read The Source until TM sends me one of her "extra" copies.